PiperCI Sphinx Docs

Bootstrapping a new project

The simplest option is to clone this repo and set config options in your make.conf to point to a DOCS_YML or RELEASE_YML. See examples provided for an example conf.py. The source directory should be used for a static conf.py and index.rst however a component may be defined to build the site_root “site_root: yes”. This is recommended as it fully separates site content from site generation and CI/CD pipelines. Think, templates(jinja, css etc.) separate from content.

/source should be used for customizing template, css and other dynamic generation code as source is copied as the base for the build directory.


Make configuration

make.conf is used to configure your docs site.

Important config values:

DESTDIR       = artifact  # Destination directory for the html site
BUILDDIR      = build     # Final build staging area for conf.py, css, and compiled rst files. Sphinx looks here to build your final site.
CACHEDIR      = cache     # The sphinx cache dir and pre-build staging cache directory for raw component git repositories.
SOURCEDIR     = source    # Your projects templates and source static content... you can use this for conf.py, and site root rst files if you choose, or use the dynamic option as well.
RELEASE       = altstadt  # The release name for your site, required by RELEASE_YML

## Build site from DOCS_YML or RELEASE_YML (mutually exclusive)
DOCS_YML      =           # Use a docs yaml file directly from this URI, supports http/s and local paths
RELEASE_YML   =           # Use a release yaml file + RELEASE to load the docs yaml file.

make stage downloads all the dependency sites defined in the piperci-releases/release.yaml or docs.yml make requirements installs requirements in the root requirements.txt and ensures base dependencies are installed prior to running stage make component-requirements installs requirements defined in the docs.yml required to build the html with sphinx make html builds the html site and saves it to artifact for deployment make markdown builds a markdown version of the site make requirements installs base requirements for the build process


make requirements
make stage
make componenet-requirements
make html


Clean all the things

make clean-all

Clean the artifact (html site)

make clean

Clean just sphinx caches (not downloaded content in /build)

make clean-cache

Clean the downloaded content in build (used to build the actual site)

make clean-build

Building a single site from multiple sources

Docs site generation can be built from local(this) and remote(component) repositories. You may use a hybrid of static docs pages defined here and dynamically included files from other repositories. The end site is built using sphinx, but the site is defined in a docs.yml file located here or remotely.

Docs.yml Syntax

README.md auto-include

To include a repositories README.md without getting fancy only add an entry for the repository and the README.md/rst will be auto added

More specifically the docs.yml is used to configure your site.

More granular files specifications

In addition to README auto-inclusion, additional files and options may be specified for each component.

  - name: site_root
    site_root: true
    uri: "https://gitlab.com/dreamer-labs/piperci/piperci-docs.git"
    version: "master"
      - index.rst
      - piperci-functions.rst
      - conf.py
      - sphinx-theme

  - name: "project-info"
    uri: "https://gitlab.com/dreamer-labs/piperci/piperci-boilerplates.git"
    version: "master"
      - README.md
      - name: contributing
        path: CONTRIBUTING.md
      - name: LICENSE
        path: LICENSE
        type: text
        highlight: text

See the component and files sections for more detail

Blend static with auto-gen docs

Both static and docs.yml defined content may be used to build your site.

Simply place any static rst files in source as source is first copied into place during each make stage

It is recommended however to keep your content separate from this config repo by defining a component included from an external repository.

Components from a local directory

Component URI’s may point to a local directory… for example, point to components in this repository each under their own sub-directory tree.

- name: "my_component"
  uri: "components/my_component"
  version: "master"
    - README.md
    - name: contributing
      path: CONTRIBUTING.md
    - name: LICENSE
      path: LICENSE
      type: text
      highlight: text

Docs.yml syntax

Component Directives

name: :string: The name of the target project directory for example 'python-piperci' which would create the component at /python-piperci
uri: :string: The git clone URI or local file path to a component(sub-directory). It must be a git URI with access by the build user.
version: :string: The tag, branch or hash to checkout
files: :list: An optional list of "files" definitions. Optional if you want more then the README.md/rst auto-include behavior. Files may be a list of strings or dictionaries with further options. See: files options.
site_root: :boolean: A flag to indicate that the content here should be saved to the site root. This is used to indicate that the named component is copied to the site root. Example: /index.rst rather then /my_compontent/index.rst etc.
requirements: :list: A list of python requirements for this component

Supported “file” level directives are defined below. Options are separated by type starting with global shared file directives.

Shared File Directives

  - ":string: The name of the file entry as it will live in the docs"
  - ":required:"
  - ":string: The relative path to the file in the source project."
  - ":default: name"
  - ":string: A documentation file type."
  - ":choices: ['md', 'rst', 'autodoc', 'text', 'index']"
  - ":default: [md -> rst] in order."
  - ":boolean: If true will attempt to add/append a sub-section table of contents to the and of this file."
  - ":default: false"

Autodoc File Directives

type: :string: "autodoc"
title: :string: A title to be used for this autogenerated page
description: :string: A freeform text blob that will be displayed below the "title".
  - ":string: A program definition (text/code block with program usage/help etc.)"
  - ":list: A list of program definiation text blocks"
  - ":string: A string with one import directive... for this entire page"
  - ":list: A list of import directives showing users how to import these tools"
  - ":example: from x.y import z"
  - ":list: A list of module definitions"
  - ":required:"
  - ":example: See below of"
  - heading: :string: Text for this modules "heading" h2
      - ":string: The python module autodoc should import... x.y"
      - ":example: piperci.sri"
      - ":string: A string with one import directive... specific for this module"
      - ":list: A list of import directives showing users how to import these tools"
      - ":example: from x.y import z"
  - ":list: A list of pip -r requirements.txt entries"

Index File Directives

description: ":string: Section description"
add_toc: ":default: true Normally add_toc is false, but for the type: index it defaults to true"
type: ":string: index"

Text File Directives

description: ":string: Description"
highlight: ":string: pygments language lexer http://pygments.org/docs/lexers/ shortnames"

Openapi Directives

description: ":string: Description"

Sphinx-Docs Sub-Pages