PiperCI Noop Function ===================== `Build Status `__ Table of Contents ----------------- - `Getting Started <#getting-started>`__ - `Testing <#testing>`__ - `Testing Prerequisites <#testing-prerequisites>`__ - `Deploying to OpenFaaS Manually <#deploying-to-openfaas-manually>`__ - `Contributing <#contributing>`__ - `License <#license>`__ Getting Started --------------- It is recommended that you test and develop this function using the ``tox -e unittest`` tests which simulate an OpenFaaS environment. To create a development OpenFaaS environment follow the `PiperCI Installation Guide `__ Testing ~~~~~~~ .. code:: bash tox -e lint,unittest The scripts in tools/scripts manage installation of tooling needed to run tests and simulate a working OpenFaaS PiperCI environment so you can get down to the business of developing your function. As mentioned earlier use the entry point ``tox -e unittest`` for all your FaaS functions which will download and install the template and extract the components into a tox build environment and then run the tests. You may also activate and use the tox virtualenv while developing your function ``source .tox/unittest/bin/activate`` Testing Prerequisites ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Requirements - tox - bash - python3.7 - pip - anything in ``function_name/requirements.txt`` Deploying to OpenFaaS Manually ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To deploy this function to OpenFaaS do the following after authentication: :: git clone https://gitlab.com/dreamer-labs/piperci/piperci-noop-faas.git cd piperci-noop-faas faas-cli template pull https://gitlab.com/dreamer-labs/piperci/piperci-faas-templates faas build faas deploy To validate that your function installed correctly you can run the following: :: faas ls Contributing ------------ Please read `CONTRIBUTING `__ for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting merge requests to us. License ------- `MIT `__ Noop-Faas Sub-Pages ------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Project Source